Monthly Archives: March 2015

April 1st TED Talk – Everyone around you has a story the world needs to hear


Cost: FREE!

This Wednesday at noon, join us for weekly TED Talks at Compact Cinema!

Dave Isay opened the first StoryCorps booth in New York’s Grand Central Terminal in 2003 with the intention of creating a quiet place where a person could honor someone who mattered to them by listening to their story. Since then, StoryCorps has evolved into the single largest collection of human voices ever recorded. His TED Prize wish: to grow this digital archive of the collective wisdom of humanity. Hear his vision to take StoryCorps global — and how you can be a part of it by interviewing someone with the StoryCorps app.

Only at TEDTalks Roanoke – join with inquiring others, lunch while you watch if you like, & enjoy a quiet viewing room. For more information: Gloria at email – tedtalksroanoke (at) hotmail (dot) com

An archive of previous TED Talks shown at Compact Cinema is at

March 25th 2015 TED Talk – The price of shame


Cost: FREE!

This Wednesday at noon, join us for weekly TED Talks at Compact Cinema!

“Public shaming as a blood sport has to stop,” says Monica Lewinsky. In 1998, she says, “I was Patient Zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously.” Today, the kind of online public shaming she went through has become constant — and can turn deadly. In a brave talk, she takes a hard look at our online culture of humiliation, and asks for a different way.

Only at TEDTalks Roanoke – join with inquiring others, lunch while you watch if you like, & enjoy a quiet viewing room. For more information: Gloria at email – tedtalksroanoke (at) hotmail (dot) com

An archive of previous TED Talks shown at Compact Cinema is at

March 11th 2015 TED Talk – The Creative Spark


Cost: FREE!

This Wednesday at noon, join us for weekly TED Talks at Compact Cinema!

What makes us create and innovate? Join us for two TED Talks by wildly creative thinkers as they share ideas and insights into what kindles genius. Along the way, view some delightful (& sometimes amazing) works of art and creativity.

Only at TEDTalks Roanoke – join with inquiring others, lunch while you watch if you like, & enjoy a quiet viewing room. For more information: Gloria at email – tedtalksroanoke (at) hotmail (dot) com

An archive of previous TED Talks shown at Compact Cinema is at

March 4th TED Talk – Why does the universe exist?


Cost: FREE!

This Wednesday at noon, join us for weekly TED Talks at Compact Cinema!

Humans, ever-meaning-making creatures, will never cease to wonder: Why are things the way they are? Why do I think the way I do? And what does it all mean? Welcome to Session 7 of TED2014, in which speakers will ask big questions about how we — and the world — work.

Why is there something rather than nothing? In his book Why Does the World Exist? Jim Holt dares to ask. Using a deck of cards and other simple props, Helder Guimarães gets up close to play with your perceptions and preconceptions.

Only at TEDTalks Roanoke – join with inquiring others, lunch while you watch if you like, & enjoy a quiet viewing room. For more information: Gloria at email – tedtalksroanoke (at) hotmail (dot) com

An archive of previous TED Talks shown at Compact Cinema is at