Time As Money

4a28556dd0ec686ba1daa18a33d05bafFrom small town neighborhoods to cities, the shift in the economy and continued financial struggles is having an adverse effect on communities and creating devastating isolation for its inhabitants. As a result, time banks begin to form encouraging members to repair and rebuild their community without cash. But, new time bankers must adapt to a new system without money in order to keep their neighborhoods strong and flourishing.



Compact Cinema screening dates:

  • Monday, October 6th at 7:00pm

Cost: FREE!

Official movie website

Official movie trailer:

2 thoughts on “Time As Money

  1. Pingback: Weekly Schedule for 2/2 to 2/8, 2015 | Compact Cinema

  2. Pingback: Tonight at 7:00pm – “Time As Money” | Compact Cinema

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