Category Archives: Special Events

Another video tribute to Cabell Brand coming soon…


Our original memorial to Cabell Brand was a brief, impromptu event put together quickly after his memorial to show our gratitude for his life and his example.  It was very short notice, so many people who would have liked to attend did not know about it.  Therefore, we’re going to hold a second video tribute to Cabell Brand in the next few weeks, and want to make sure the word gets out.  To make sure there’s room for everyone (since Compact Cinema only seats 18 people), we’re going to hold this event right outside the cinema, in the large common area of 16 West.

We look forward to again honoring the amazing life of man who founded TAP and the Cabell Brand Center, and worked tirelessly to build a better world for everyone.  Compact Cinema itself was partially inspired by his work, and also would probably not exist here in Roanoke if not for a random coincidence involving him!  Come join us to hear more, and share your own memories.  Videos will include the Charles Kuralt segment about Cabell Brand and TAP from the late 1980’s, as well as an overview of his formative years and an inspiring speech he gave right near the end.

We are still working to nail down the date of the event, so please check back here soon.  And please do what you can to support the wonderful organizations he founded, that are still carrying out his legacy today!

Video tribute to Cabell Brand


This Wednesday at 1:00pm (right after the TED Talk), join us for this brief memorial to watch a few short videos about the amazing life of TAP founder Cabell Brand and his tireless work to build a better world for everyone.  Compact Cinema itself was partially inspired by his work, and also would probably not be here in Roanoke if not for a random coincidence involving him!  Come join us to hear more, and share your own memories.  Videos will include the Charles Kuralt segment about Cabell Brand and TAP from the late 1980’s.

Cost:  FREE!