Category Archives: Uncategorized

December 3rd TED Talk – Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds


This Wednesday at noon, come enjoy this week’s TED Talk at Compact Cinema!

Temple Grandin, diagnosed with autism as a child, talks about how her mind works — sharing her ability to “think in pictures,” which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss. She makes the case that the world needs people on the autism spectrum: visual thinkers, pattern thinkers, verbal thinkers, and all kinds of smart geeky kids.

Only at TEDTalks Roanoke – join with inquiring others, lunch while you watch if you like, & enjoy a quiet viewing room.

For more information: Gloria at email – tedtalksroanoke (at) hotmail (dot) com

Cost: FREE!

Free Concert on Monday, 10/27: David Rovics plays for People, Peace and Planet

david_rovics_Tatjana_09Come see prodigious activist singer-songwriter David Rovics, on a rare stop in the Roanoke area! Get ready to learn about world events and peoples’ lives from a different perspective, as his tight, edgy lyrics dance with his acoustic guitar.

If you care about the fate of our planet and all who share it, seize this rare opportunity to see one of the great musical storytellers of our time. Come hear why his music has been featured on Democracy Now!, BBC, and Al-Jazeera. Come see why Amy Goodman has called him the “musical version of Democracy Now.”

Get ready to laugh, cry, and most importantly, learn! Step out of your comfort zone, get curious, and if you want, get involved! Sing along, and meet local activist groups with good causes. Connect with others, and just maybe, connect with what you’ve been missing. Bring yourself, and bring friends!

What:  Free concert with singer-songwriter David Rovics, sponsored by Plowshare Peace Center and P.A.N.O.R. (Progressive Action Network Of Roanoke)

When:  Monday, October 27th, 2014, at 7:00pm.

Where:  Inside the 16 West Marketplace, at 16 Church Ave SW in downtown Roanoke.

Cost: FREE! (thanks to our sponsors!), though donations are welcomed.

Please help promote this concert to anyone you can.  Here are PDF files for an 8.5″x14″ poster and an 8.5″x11″ handout that you can print out or email to people:



Thursday, October 23rd – PAY 2 PLAY: Democracy’s High Stakes

Pay2Play_Poster_1FREE screening sponsored by Represent.Us!

Driven to make the world better for his newborn daughter, filmmaker John Ennis looks for ways out of our system of pay-to-play politics. Along the way, he journeys through high drama on the Ohio campaign trail, uncovers the secret history of the game Monopoly, and explores the underworld of L.A. street art on a humorous odyssey that reveals how much of a difference one person can make. PAY 2 PLAY: Democracy’s High Stakes is the layman’s guidebook to taking back our democracy.

Enjoy a fun raffle and discussion after the movie, and find out how you can get involved!

Compact Cinema screening dates:

  • Thursday, October 23rd at 7:00pm

Cost: FREE!

Official movie website

Official movie trailer:

Showtimes for Thursday, October 2nd through Saturday, October 4th


In Fixing the Future, host David Brancaccio, of public radio’s Marketplace and NOW on PBS, visits people and organizations across America that are attempting a revolution: the reinvention of the American economy. The film highlights effective, local practices such as: local business alliances, community banking, time banking/hour exchange, worker cooperatives and local currencies.

Thursday: 8:00pm, Saturday: 6:00pm

Cost: $5.00

American_Made_Movie_RGB_no-creditsAMERICAN-MADE MOVIE

This compelling new documentary explores the impact of American manufacturing on both ordinary citizens and the national economy. The film examines both the positive ripple effect that comes from domestic manufacturing jobs and the hurdles we’ll need to overcome to start bringing them back.

Friday: 8:00pm

Cost: $5.00


Tells the little known stories of employee-owned businesses that compete successfully in today’s economy while providing secure, dignified jobs in democratic workplaces. Such firms tend to be more profitable and innovative, and more committed to the communities where they are based. Yet the public has little knowledge of their success, and the promise they offer for a better life.

Saturday: 8:00pm

Cost: $5.00

October 1st TED Talk: Climate Change

950x534xGlobal-Warming.jpg.pagespeed.ic.psb5S44GRYThis Wednesday at noon, we offer an extension of last week’s Climate Change coverage & meetings.

With a newly released Morgan Freeman movie short “What’s Possible” and a highly regarded TED talk, “Climate Economist Nicholas Stern lays out a plan, presented to the UN’s Climate Summit in 2014, showing how the world’s countries can work together on climate. It’s a big vision for cooperation, with a payoff that goes far beyond averting disaster. He asks: How can we use this crisis to spur better lives for all?”

Only at TEDTalks Roanoke –join with inquiring others, eat while you watch if you like, and enjoy a quiet viewing room.

For more information: Gloria at email – tedtalksroanoke (at) hotmail (dot) com

Please help us spread the word by inviting any friends you know who may be interested in checking out the weekly TED Talks. Thanks for your help!

Cost: FREE!

Aftermass: Bicycling in a Post-Critical Mass Portland

aftermassposterSponsored by RIDE Solutions!

Aftermass is the first feature documentary to explore the events, people, politics, and social changes that led to Portland becoming the first major bicycle city in the United States.  Come and find out what lessons we can learn and apply right here in Roanoke!

Friday, August 8th at 8:00pm

Wednesday, August 13th at 7:00pm

Monday, August 18th at 8:00pm

Cost: FREE!  Also, a FREE bag of popcorn at each screening, thanks to RIDE Solutions!

Official movie website

Official movie trailer:

August 6th TED Talk – Clearly not your momma’s leadership!

albumLast week, Kathryn Schulz taught us to reconsider the idea that being “wrong” is bad.  This week we explore & discuss Leadership.  Warning: It won’t be traditional, top down, controlling leadership!

TEDTalks Roanoke, at noon on Wednesdays inside Compact Cinema, explore ideas worth spreading from the diverse worlds of technology, entertainment, and design.

Get lunch at one of our nearby restaurants or bring your own, and enjoy your meal on the food trays in front of our comfortable seats while you watch the video. Then stay for the always-lively audience discussion afterward!

Please help us spread the word by inviting any friends you know who may be interested in checking out the weekly TED Talks. Thanks for your help!

Cost: FREE!

July 23rd TED Talk – Our “puny” human brains


It’s impossible to top the energy and ideas-you-can-act-on-now content of last week’s 2 TED Talks, so we’ll take a different trip during this Wednesday’s TED Talk – we’ll look at “our puny human brains, just a few bucks worth of water, salts, and proteins” and the (inevitable?) obsolescence of human knowledge.  It’s said that even the GPS is making us dumber!

This sounds ponderous but it’s actually a funny, entertaining, & thought provoking 17 minutes – Come join us at Compact Cinema this Wednesday at 12:00pm!

Get lunch at one of our nearby restaurants or bring your own, and enjoy your meal on the food trays in front of our comfortable seats while you watch the video. Then stay for the always-lively audience discussion afterward!

Please help us spread the word by inviting any friends you know who may be interested in checking out the weekly TED Talks. Thanks for your help!

Cost: FREE!

July 16th TED Talk – Inspiring Ideas!


Last week, we showed Susan Savage-Rumbaugh – The gentle genius of bonobos. Coming up this week will be two high energy talks – think green, kids, schools, urban, food, business, & leaders in action! Sound cool? Come and see for yourself!

Our weekly TED Talks always keep it fresh and exciting… you never know what we’re going to show! Come join us at Compact Cinema this Wednesday at 12:00pm. We keep it a surprise to keep it fun!

Get lunch at one of our nearby restaurants or bring your own, and enjoy your meal on the food trays in front of our comfortable seats while you watch the video. Then stay for the always-lively audience discussion afterward!

Please help us spread the word by inviting (through Facebook) any friends you know who may be interested in checking out the weekly TED Talks. Thanks for your help!

Cost: FREE!

July 9th TED Talk – Come and learn something new!

tedtalks2 logo

Our weekly TED Talks always keep it fresh and exciting… you never know what we’re going to show! Come join us at Compact Cinema this Wednesday at 12:00pm. We keep it a surprise to keep it fun!

Last week, we showed two TED Talks about flying drones; one that showed the newfound liberation a drone brings to a man paralyzed from the neck down, and one that warned against the future misuse and overuse of drones in public. What will we show this week?

Get lunch at one of our nearby restaurants or bring your own, and enjoy your meal on the food trays in front of our comfortable seats while you watch the video. Then stay for the always-lively audience discussion afterward!

Please help us spread the word by inviting (through Facebook) any friends you know who may be interested in checking out the weekly TED Talks. Thanks for your help!

Cost: FREE!