This Wednesday at noon, we offer an extension of last week’s Climate Change coverage & meetings.
With a newly released Morgan Freeman movie short “What’s Possible” and a highly regarded TED talk, “Climate Economist Nicholas Stern lays out a plan, presented to the UN’s Climate Summit in 2014, showing how the world’s countries can work together on climate. It’s a big vision for cooperation, with a payoff that goes far beyond averting disaster. He asks: How can we use this crisis to spur better lives for all?”
Only at TEDTalks Roanoke –join with inquiring others, eat while you watch if you like, and enjoy a quiet viewing room.
For more information: Gloria at email – tedtalksroanoke (at) hotmail (dot) com
Please help us spread the word by inviting any friends you know who may be interested in checking out the weekly TED Talks. Thanks for your help!
Cost: FREE!